3 Easy Ways to Build Grit as a Bookkeeper

Success is not a coincidence!

It takes a lot of grit (or stick-to-it-ness) to start and run a bookkeeping business.

How do you stick with it when things get hard? How do you keep going in the face of challenges?

In this video I talk about how to keep going when it seems tough. As a bookkeeper I'm constantly needing to build my "muscle" to stick to my business goals. I talk about characteristics of someone with grit, and then have some self-reflective questions you can ask yourself about grit.

3 ways to build up grit:

  1. Practice

  2. Remember your “Why”

  3. Set yourself up for success

Characteristics of grit:

  1. Courage

  2. Be conscientious

  3. Perseverance

  4. Resilience

  5. Passion

Take the self-assessment (answer yes or no to each of these):

  1. I have overcome setbacks in my bookkeeping business.

  2. I’m not discouraged when things don’t go as planned.

  3. I am a hard worker.

  4. I fought to find my first bookkeeping clients.

  5. I diligently work for my clients, and they can rely on me.

  6. I won’t give up.



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