Am I Ready to Be a Bookkeeper? Real Examples & Resource Recommendations

What are some real examples of different bookkeeping backgrounds when getting started in business? How about some possible hang ups potential bookkeepers have before they start? What are my recommendations for next steps as you begin? You may want to do a comprehensive program like Bookkeeper Launch, or you may love the more DIY budget approach--a lot of it will depend on your personality and background.

  1. Workflows and cleaning up chart of accounts

  2. Feeling confident in the QuickBooks software

  3. What do I need after I get my ProAdvisor certification?

  4. Best way to switch bookkeeping softwares

  5. Does the ProAdvisor certification count as experience?

  6. How do I know I’m ready when I keep getting stuck?

  7. What do I do with things that are overwhelming me as I start?

  8. What if I interview a client who may be too complex for me?

  9. What if my potential client thinks my prices are too high?

  10. Should I take an extensive training or course?




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